What I Watch

    For as long as I can remember, I have had a constant habit of watching video. Whether that be cable, a streaming service like Netflix, or on a short video platform like TikTok, I am constantly watching something. When I lived at home full time, most of my video habits were watching cable and occasionally watching YouTube. However, since coming to college and being away from home so much, my main source of video is from streaming services and video social media platforms.

When it comes to my favorite genre of video, I have two genres that make up pretty much my entire video library. First, I love competition reality shows. I have talked about this a few times in my media classes in college. Shows like Survivor, The Challenge, Big Brother, and more are some of my favorite shows to stream. Of course, I watch them live as the season is premiering, but I also love to stream old seasons in my free time. I have noticed that my enjoyment of this genre has leaked over into my YouTube streaming habits. Many youtubers have begun to create mini series that are challenge reality shows, and I have found myself getting more and more into those videos. A couple of the channels that have done this are Mr. Beast and Kian & JC. These are two of my favorite YouTube channels that I watch pretty consistently.


 Along with these reality shows, my other favorite genre is comedic genres, usually in the form of sitcoms. My two favorite shows in this genre are Gilmore Girls and New Girl. I have watched both of these shows multiple times and I consider them as my comfort shows. One thing to note about my video habits is that I am not very prone to change. Typically, I get overwhelmed when I try to find a new series to watch, so I usually end up re-watching shows that I know I like!

Lastly, and quite possibly the biggest source of my video habits, is the category of social media video apps. This includes, of course, TikTok, but also Instagram reels and Facebook videos. I won't lie, I very rarely go anywhere without my phone. When I have free time, and even sometimes when I should be doing work, I am usually on my phone watching video. The majority of the time, I am watching TikTok where I can scroll for hours and hours before realizing how much time I just wasted. However, lately I have begun to watch Instagram Reels in my free time. In the past couple of months I have spent more time on Instagram watching the videos and less time actually looking at pictures on the app. 

Overall, I think my video habits typically span over a wide range of genres as well as platforms. I feel like I am constantly watching something: while I am getting ready, while I am working on homework, and before I go to bed. While it might not make for the best habit in my life, it does give me plenty of research for this class!


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