Video in Higher Education Marketing

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, online-video streams and engagement have skyrocketed significantly. While YouTube is still the most popular video format, formats like TikTok and Instagram Reels have also become increasingly popular in the area of marketing for colleges and universities. 

    This semester, I was enrolled in the Mass Media Internship class. For that internship, I had the opportunity to do social media work for the Performing Arts programs at Southern Arkansas University. These programs include Band, Choir, and Theatre, and the social medias I used include Instagram, Facebook, and most recently, TikTok. Early on, I felt pretty comfortable using things like Instagram and Facebook. I was mostly posting announcements for upcoming concerts and showings and information about auditions and new upcoming students. 

    However, when it came to TikTok, I was really having to rack my brain on what types of videos I could make that would be different than what I was already posting on other social medias and that would also stand out for potential future students. This was when I did some research on what higher institutions were already gaining views on TikTok.

    There are a few universities that I have seen on my For You Page on TikTok, and I went to their pages to look at what some of there popular videos consisted of. First, I looked at the University of Arizona. Their pinned video on their page has 166.7K views and almost 25K likes. It includes an old popular Vine video that transitions into aerial views of the campus.

@uarizona If you’re seeing this, it’s a sign to apply! #BearDown #Campus #ArizonaWildcats ♬ How to Train a Wildcat - University of Arizona

    The next school I looked at was the University of Kansas. One thing I really like about Kansas' account is how they make many personalized videos with students, faculty, and the campus. The video below shows a sort of "day in the life" of a student on the University of Kansas campus. 

@universityofkansas Just another day on Mount Oread #RockChalk #collegetok ♬ i love you - I ❤︎ women

    After looking into the schools on TikTok, I put together some ideas for Southern Arkansas University performing arts videos. These ideas included sneak peaks of concerts and shows, interviews with students, and others. Below is one of the videos I created for the SAU performing arts TikTok of an interview with one of our band members and music majors, Candis Caddenhead. 

@saupamc To kick off our SAU performing arts TikTok, enjoy quick introductions from some of our students! First up: Band!🤩 #sauband #muleriderstrong #EasyWithAdobeExpress ♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

    As technology advances and the current and younger generation moves up into college and universities, these schools have to be able to use this advancing technology to market themselves in a way that makes people want to come tour, visit, and attend the school. In class, we have talked about what new social media app and platform might be created to take the place of things like TikTok and Instagram, and it will be interesting to see how these higher institutions use new platforms to get their name in the minds of potential students. I am hoping SAU can take advantage of these new advantages to make our name known and market ourselves to potential future students! 


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